API Help
EPLAN API / API Reference / Actions / XPamsDeviceSelectionAction
In This Topic
    In This Topic
     Selects device or updates device-information
     It can be passed the full path of a project. When project is not opened, this action opens it and closes it automatically.
     Alternatively an object can be passed by a special DMBaseHandleContext.
     This object can be a project/function/connection.

    Parameter Description
    The full path of project(optional). When project specified by ProjectName is not open, this action opens it and closes it automatically.
     Mode (in)(optional)
     The following values are supported:
     • selectDevice : Selects new devices for the given objects (default)
     • updateDevice : Updates only device-information from articles of the given objects

     Example 1 (Full path of project)
     XPamsDeviceSelectionAction /ProjectName:"C:\\My Folder\\MyProject.elk" //absolute
     XPamsDeviceSelectionAction /ProjectName:"C:\\My Folder\\MyProject"             //absolute without file-extension
     XPamsDeviceSelectionAction /ProjectName:"My Folder\\MyProject.elk"             //relative to standard-folder
     XPamsDeviceSelectionAction /ProjectName:MyProject.elk                                  //relative to standard-folder
     XPamsDeviceSelectionAction /ProjectName:MyProject                                              //relative to standard-folder without file-extension

     Example 3 (Full path of project, in scripting)
     CommandLineInterpreter oCommandLineInterpreter = new CommandLineInterpreter();
     bool bRet = oCommandLineInterpreter.Execute("XPamsDeviceSelectionAction /ProjectName:\"C:\\My Folder\\MyProject.elk\"");       //absolute
     bool bRet = oCommandLineInterpreter.Execute("XPamsDeviceSelectionAction /ProjectName:\"C:\\My Folder\\MyProject\"");           //absolute without file-extension
     bool bRet = oCommandLineInterpreter.Execute("XPamsDeviceSelectionAction /ProjectName:\"My Folder\\MyProject.elk\"");           //relative to standard-folder
     bool bRet = oCommandLineInterpreter.Execute("XPamsDeviceSelectionAction /ProjectName:MyProject.elk");                                  //relative to standard-folder
     bool bRet = oCommandLineInterpreter.Execute("XPamsDeviceSelectionAction /ProjectName:MyProject");                                              //relative to standard-folder without file-extension

     Example 4 (object passed by context)
     StorableObjectContext context = new StorableObjectContext();
     context.StorableObject = hProject;                             //option 1: project
     context.StorableObject = hFunction;                            //option 2: function
     context.StorableObject = hConnection;                  //option 3: connection
     new CommandLineInterpreter().Execute("XPamsDeviceSelectionAction ", context);